US Open Recap, Bryson’s Victory, and Rory’s Heartbreak

In this episode of Beyond the Tour, Jake and Luke dive deep into the events of the US Open. They discuss Bryson’s sensational victory, Rory McIlroy’s heartbreaking loss, and the remarkable performances throughout the tournament at Pinehurst. The duo also covers upcoming events – The Travellers Signature Events, LIV Nashville, and the next female major – the KPMG Women’s PGA Championship.

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Jake Hower


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00:00 Introduction and Catching Up

01:06 US Open Recap

02:28 Bryson’s Performance Breakdown

15:45 Rory’s Heartbreaking Loss

19:50 Course Analysis and Player Performances

29:09 Tiger Woods’ Future in Golf

30:17 Aussie Golfers’ Performance Recap

31:42 Cam Smith’s Struggles and Prospects

32:18 LIV Golfers’ Performance and Notable Mentions

38:53 Grace Kim’s LPGA disappointment

41:21 Upcoming Golf Events and Predictions

47:29 Potential Changes in Golf Tournaments

52:06 Rory McIlroy’s Divorce Update

53:14 Conclusion and Newsletter Promotion

Jake Hower:

Welcome back to another episode of Beyond the Tour. I'm Jake and with me as usual is Luke. How are you?

Luke Manning:

Hey Jake, I'm well. It's been a massive couple of days with the US Open. also had a big day today out on site at Royal Queensland Golf Course, actually having a look at the land that they're going to develop into the new short course, working with ACM Design on that. So it was good to actually see it firsthand in the area that they're going to be, really starting to work on in the next 18 months or so.

Jake Hower:

Was that an invitation for members or are you part of the committee there or?

Luke Manning:

No, it's a little bit of business, probably not much I can talk about at the moment, but hopefully we might have a little part to play in what goes on there.

Jake Hower:

Very nice. I'm, um, just, uh, preparing the last minute pre holiday rush. today was busy, but it always is, I think you can't get away with it when you're trying to get away on a holiday. That's annoying, but.

Luke Manning:

we got a bit jammed with, technical issues doing this, late night recording now before you go away, so hopefully we've got the energy.

Jake Hower:

Yes. Now huge weekend of, action, with Bryson winning the U S open. that was probably the best major I've seen since tigers 19 masters. Really?

Luke Manning:

Yeah, I would say probably the best, major since Smithy won the Open,

Jake Hower:

Oh yeah.

Luke Manning:

but it was just a ball tear of an event and so much for us to unpack. it's hard to know where to start, but it was just a sensational few days there at Pinehurst.

Jake Hower:

I guess the common denominator between 22 and, this particular one was Rory McIlroy. in the 22, he was run down by a raging Cam Smith. It was the opposite. this event McElroy was playing incredibly well. I think when he stepped onto the 16th tee box, he was four under and had overtaken Bryson who was two shots up I messaged a mate of mine. he'd asked who was winning this. So I'm like, no one's catching Rory the way he's playing and the way Bryson was playing, but, what unfolded next was incredible.

Luke Manning:

you wouldn't have believed it really if someone had told you how it was going to unfold. and even with Rory in the clubhouse where Bryson was on 18, you still probably would have had your money Rory taking it out, but not to be. And another devastating, loss, another devastating bride's made, result for Rory in a major.

Jake Hower:

who do we speak about first? do we speak about Bryson or are we focused on Rory?

Luke Manning:

I think we've got to speak about Bryson because he. Is undoubtedly the story. of course, Rory's disappointment is a very strong subplot to it all, but what we've seen of Bryson, both in the tournament and post tournament, I think, is where we need to start.

Jake Hower:

So for three days, he was incredible. He drove it really well for three days. he's short game and putting, obviously putting is. pretty vastly improved. His short game was very good strokes gains wise. It wasn't incredible. He wasn't right at the top there, but, the short game with those longer wedges is something he seemed to have always struggled with so it was good to see the way he tackled this course. Cause I didn't anticipate him playing well.

Luke Manning:

No, we talked about him in our preview pod last week, and we were a bit iffy about the form that he'd shown, coming in out of the Texas event, for Live, but he just absolutely brought his A game, he was, playing sensible golf in terms of, where he was leaving himself in particular spots. And when he did get out of position, his ability to hit the chip shots, on those tight Bermuda, surrounds of the greens was just, really special. I think was talking about it on the coverage, how he was hitting these sort of driving hook chips and just generating an enormous amount of spin, despite the steep attack angle and the slick greens, that were there. So it was definitely a standout. particularly on day four where he was in some very treacherous positions, around the greens, but was able to make really remarkable up and downs and, keep his round together and not get too far out of touch as Rory was charging, on in the final day.

Jake Hower:

he's up and down on eight. I thought it was really good. That was a very tough shot. He was short sided, well below the putting surface. so up and down was incredible. Obviously, the bunker shot on 18. although we saw Johnson Wagner, he better at, a few hours later, is a shot that's, I think, was Lou Staman might've mentioned it was maybe a three or 4% chance of getting it closer than what Bryson did. it was a incredible way, particularly under all that pressure to clinch the victory.

Luke Manning:

I think Bryson himself said that is an up and down that he might make three or four times out of a hundred. it was an incredible shot in the circumstances under enormous pressure. the shot that not only gives, amateur golfers nightmares, but even professional golfers that 55, 60 yard bunker shot. And just exploded it out there. still had a reasonable amount of spin on it. it trundled up towards that hole and gave himself, three foot, 10 inches for the win. And Rory before him was just able to make that putt. and he did look rock solid on those sort of short putts all the way through the tournament at Pinehurst, and was able to deliver there, on the biggest of stages

Jake Hower:

I think probably what Sean threw for me, compared to the masters, a few tournaments earlier. Was his composure, when things weren't going his way, he seemed to get overwhelmed a little bit in that final round at the masters, and got a little bit upset when things outside of his control or in his control as well, when luck didn't favor him, he seemed to lose it a little bit. And that was, one of the big question marks I had over him. contending in these sort of really difficult conditions, but he showed without his best, off the tee that, he was able to maintain his composure, and playing out of, the rough pretty much all day, he played some really good sort of recovery shots and in and around the green.

Luke Manning:

those native areas, were prominent. for Bryson on the in the final round because his driving accuracy was way down. He was 50th or 60th, in driving accuracy, despite I think, top two in driving length up there with Rory. But wasn't without his challenges in the native area. I think if you listen to Brandel on the coverage, he was saying that, Bryson continued to get lucky, but that wasn't the case. he did certainly have his fair share of trouble with his second shots because he was leaving himself in precarious positions, in the native area and confronting the wiregrass and the sandy lies that were in waste areas. So he, he grinded, as you say, he showed a level of maturity and composure that he hasn't necessarily done, in other, instances where he's been a real contender. And we did talk about this last week. He's a much more mature golfer now. He's a well, more real, well rounded golfer. and it was great to see him be able to close it out and secure his second US Open.

Jake Hower:

he spoke really well in the media center afterwards. he acknowledged Rory and felt for him a little bit. and then scenes at, after the trophy presentation. he was, he was certainly the crowd favorite, wasn't he?

Luke Manning:

I think he was the crowd favorite all the way through the tournament as well. Although there was very strong support for Rory too. it felt Ryder Cup ish final day with the, USA chance and then, the retorting chance for Rory. so definitely had the crowd support though and he To his credit, I think he's been able to turn a lot of supporters around from people that probably were detractors or, maybe not supporters of his to really locking in behind him, when he was at Pinehurst. So. good with the fans as well, very engaging. We've seen a number of clips. There was the one there where he signed the cap, of the, of the disabled fellow who was around the green there. I think Rory had given him a ball and Bryson went one further and signed his cap and gave him the big high five and was really engaging there. I think when he stepped onto the 13th tee, he was asking the crowd or, discussing partially with the crowd whether he should. Pull the big stick, pull driver, and go for the green. And so, was, was very interesting to see him do that. But just while we talk about Bryson and the driver, it was quite perplexing to me or strange to me to see him. on the range before the final round kicked off to make a change to the driver head, to the head that he'd been using previous three days that had given him a three stroke advantage. But I guess that's the nature of Bryson. He likes to push the limits and he's a risk taker. And in the end, despite only hitting sort of five of 14 fairways in the final round, he was still able to come away victorious.

Jake Hower:

He noted that in a press conference afterwards that was probably the wrong decision, to, to change out the driver there. I don't think there was anything wrong with the previous driver. It was just that he had, maybe hit it quite a lot and, being Bryson, I think he likes to change out the driver every sort of 200, 300 shots, which is, Crazy to think about.

Luke Manning:

there was talk of it flattening out, whatever that means. I guess something to do with the twist in the face of it being, not at the degrees or the angles that he was looking for. but he's certainly still got that quirkiness about him, which people are warming more up to than what they have in the past. Death

Jake Hower:

there's some discussion around whether or not it's, authentic or if it's a little bit manufactured from my perspective, I don't think it really matters. because they're all on show and I think it was just given how quick he was able to turn around his public image. I think it's good because he's, as you said, he's engaging with fans. He's getting people on their side. he's entertaining, which not many professional golfers do. noting at Live Adelaide on the range, which you would have seen as well. whenever Bryson Entered the range. The first thing he would do is go up and find a kid or two to give a glove or sign some autographs before heading off to start his warmup. And he was one of the only golfers there that was doing that. So he's made a conscious effort to engage, the fan. And, you can see why his image has turned around, but, got people like, well, Brando was riding him all tournament. He's not a real. Oh, absolutely. Like he's not a fan at all. And then, sort of discussion from like NLU Tron thinks it's quite manufactured, and as I said, I don't know if it's an issue or not.

Luke Manning:

I'd be interested to know whether those detractors that sort of are saying he's phony and a malcontent have actually seen him live, particularly at a live event. because When we saw him down in Adelaide, in the flesh and playing live and engaging with the crowd, it certainly didn't have any air of, being manufactured or a, a stage act. So I'm taking it at face value with Bryson. I've said before that, that I've done a full 180 on Bryson and I was, I was a detractor or someone that was actively. rooting against him in the past and he's been able to turn me right around. And so, as I say, I'm taking it at face value. I think he is genuine. I think he's loving being in the spotlight the way that he is, not necessarily to be the center of attention, but I think he is enjoying that attention and what he's getting out of that, he's trying to give back. back to the fans and even back to the media. you talked about Johnson Wagner before. That was in the dark, like most major champions are off with their entourage. they're nowhere near the course by the time Bryson went up to Johnson Wagner and then to Get in the bunker with him, coach him through that shot, and then share a moment, both holding the trophy together. I just think that was great stuff.

Jake Hower:

It was really good. I think, one big thing that sort of. Allows a lot of leeway, he's playing really good golf. so it's going to be interesting to see if he lapses in form a little bit, to see how the coverage of him potentially changes. because yeah, I think probably the most important thing is, if you're playing incredible golf, you get a lot of leeway with, with fans and with the media as well.

Luke Manning:

it's a very fickle environment, and as soon as your form starts To slump or it doesn't even have to be a slump. It just needs to be not achieving the results that the establishment expect you to achieve. They do turn very quickly and John Rahm's the best case in point for me on that where results on live have not been bad. He just hasn't won. He's been very competitive. He had two majors that he probably would have liked to have done better in at the Masters and the PGA, but, that doesn't mean that he's a forgotten golfer now. he's still one of the best golfers in the world, but you just see how the, commentariat turns very quickly against you.

Jake Hower:

Hey, Bryson is now the 10th best golfer in the planet.

Luke Manning:

And not good enough to make the Olympics either.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, I know, but that

Luke Manning:

U. S. champion, who's been in stinky form lately, is.

Jake Hower:

it's a little bit of an indictment on some of those players in that top 10, or maybe even lower than top 10, because Bryson's got had 10 counting tournaments. there's a minimum divisor of 40 tournaments, which most of the top 10, 20 hits, there's a few, Aberg has got 30, I think Scheffler might have played, oh no, it might have been Rahm actually, has 35 events. Bryson's results have essentially been quartered, and he's still sitting in 10th place. he's in a real sort of purple patch of form in those counting events, those majors.

Luke Manning:

where do you think he sits? is he top five? Is he top three?

Jake Hower:

on current form, you'd have to put him probably in between. Zander and Scotty really.

Luke Manning:

you think he's comfortably top five, arguably top three. But he's certainly playing the style of golf that you would think the U. S. would want to see at the Olympics. U. S. is obviously blessed with a, or their sport with riches to choose from in terms of the golfers that they take. So they'll probably still do very well regardless of who goes in the team. It's very hard to say that Bryson wouldn't be in the top four American golfers right now.

Jake Hower:

he's in really good form. Now, heading or switching across to Rory, he was seen, well, the scenes after he missed that plot on 18, in the scoring tent, watching Bryson, he, Looked like he really rude what could have been and he left and hopped in the car and left before even congratulating Bryson before confronting the media. So he was obviously really hurting. what did you make of all of that?

Luke Manning:

Firstly, I thought it was incredible footage to get of him in the scorer's hut there, as he was watching on. And think you could really tell just how gutted he was, in, in that reaction in the room there. And, was hard not to feel for him in that moment. I think it, me, it signified to that He really felt he had that one in the bag. and to see it slip through his fingers was just a very gutting, situation for him terms of. hightailing it out of there, and not hanging around to at least shake Bryson's hand and give him a, congratulations following the victory. I think that was poor form from Rory. He probably regrets it now. I know he issued a statement, earlier today where he said that, Bryson's a great champion, and he's just what golf needs right at this moment. I think a little bit, too little too late on that one. You look at some of the other, golfers who've suffered significant major heartbreak, particularly the likes of Norman. They've hung around and, they've, congratulated the ultimate winner despite how they may have been feeling, so I thought that was pretty poor form from Rory, but we've seen that Rory's got, he runs hot. Things. And there's been a number of these instances now where, we had the shirt ripping incident. we had the massive blow up in the car park, at Bones during the Ryder Cup last year. and now this instance where clearly He wasn't very, he wasn't very happy and sped out of the car park there. So, not, draping himself in a whole heap of glory or portraying that he's a particularly Yeah,

Jake Hower:

out of all his close calls, this one looked like it hurt the most, because as I mentioned earlier, he was playing incredibly well, four under, onto the tee, he was two in front, at that point, it looked like the moment got to him, missed that sort of two footer or just over two footer putt on 16, and, I think that put a lot of pressure on his 18th, that was not an easy putt on the 18th and you could be, forgiven for missing something like that in isolation. but, the fact that it happened after missing 16, I think really it, it dropped him out of contention really. It was, I don't, yeah.

Luke Manning:

I don't think it should be underestimated how difficult those putts are. they've got brake, they're slick in terms of the speed. but you do expect professional golfers to make them. And I think this is the thing about Pinehurst. You were never safe. There was trouble lurking everywhere, there was trouble lurking in the waste areas, there was trouble lurking around the greens, there was trouble lurking on the greens, it made you hit the shots right to the very 18th hole, and Rory had the two shot lead, on, I think as he stood on the 14th tee, and allowed himself to think, right, I've got this one and it came back, the course came back and asked him to hit those shots and particularly those two putts. he wasn't able to close it out.

Jake Hower:

how did you think the course played? Like there's a lot of talk about fairness and, you're either loving the course or you really hated the fact that there was so much luck involved in the native areas.

Luke Manning:

I loved it. I loved every minute of it. And, I like the fact that there were some birdies out there because sometimes these difficult setups give nobody a chance that's behind to make enough birdies to be able to catch up. I think that there was a great balance here where there were definite birdie holes if you played them correctly and you had that chance. But if you didn't play a hole, Correctly, or if you lost concentration, it would bite you. and that was beautiful to see. I think it was such a breath of fresh air from soft sort of dartboard conditions that we see week in week out on the PGA tour that we saw, for the PGA championship and even a little bit at Augusta of late. it's certainly not bad. As it could. And the reason why I think the scores were lower this year had more to do with the windy conditions that it necessarily did the course set up. so I think there's a fantastic course Pinehouse was undoubtedly the star behind Bryson. and. if we had a rotation of US Open courses that had Pinehurst, Oakmont, Shinnecock, and maybe one other, that would be a sensational rotor.

Jake Hower:

I love this style of golf. it's very similar to link style, which pretty much is a majority of golf I play down here. I think what it does, it's. There is a little bit of luck involved, but in most cases, when you get lucky, in a native area, you still got to play a very good shot to be able to recover. I think what it does is it gives you the opportunity to play a really good shot and get out of trouble. Whereas you look at a really deep, thick, rough, as a rule, everyone's playing the exact same shot afterwards. and there's no sort of, there isn't a lot of skill involved in getting out of outside of say, like a Brooks, who was able to or Bryson as well, previously at Wingfoot, being able to manhandle and be just with pure strength. so I think the native areas, from my perspective, it is still. A shot you've got to be weighing up and if you can, if you get yourself in trouble and you've got the skill to be able to get yourself out of trouble, I think that is, what presents really well, a good example of that for me was Rory on five. he ended up in a terrible position, but. The shot he played, he had an iron in his hand, for a second on a par five, and the margin for error is relatively small. He didn't hit a good shot. He, his body language told you that straight away. He obviously mishit it. But the question I would ask is, was that the right strategy to be playing? Given the margin for error is so tight, he could have laid up and had a much easier shot into the green.

Luke Manning:

He could have, you're right, the shot into that par 5 and where it ended up is being used as a case in point for is unfair, that shot wasn't that bad, but look at the end result. I'm okay with it. like you and all of the players are playing that hole in the same setup and in the same conditions so I didn't have a problem with it. and I don't necessarily think Rory'd have a problem with it. he knew he, as you say, he didn't quite get that five iron in or, and it paid, he paid the price. where it finished in the depression, of the sand actually in the waste, area was probably the most unlucky part of it. but we saw hundreds of balls roll well and truly away from the intended target because they missed their, landing spot by a couple of yards. And that's just the way Pinehurst is. So I didn't have a problem with it at all.

Jake Hower:

worst loss, this one or the open in 22?

Luke Manning:

it's hard for us to say. Only Rory can truly answer that. The reason why the open loss, I thought might've been worse was because it was, somewhat on home territory over there. I know it wasn't an Irish course, but, He just had everybody going for him in that final round. He had a four stroke lead where he was coming from behind here. So I felt like maybe the 22 open might have been worse, but seeing him in that scoring room afterwards and his reaction once he saw Bryson hold that putt, you'd think, maybe it could be this one. Having said that, I do think we should just call out that Rory's got a shitload going on in his life at the moment. he's got a, on again, off again divorce that's been happening. So he's trying to mend his situation. had this heartbreaking loss. He's got, he's had all the stuff around Liv and the PGA Tour conflict that he's carried a lot of the burden on. So. I'm sure emotionally, and mentally, he's pretty spent and pretty taxed. So, can't judge him too hardly for what we saw afterwards, but, maybe some of that stuff is also contributing to him taking this loss pretty, in a pretty hard way.

Jake Hower:

He is pulled out of the travelers this week, which I think is a good thing. Uh, after the last, I think I've commented to someone on X that I thought that it would be great not to see or hear from him until, the Scottish hit the very least just to take some time away from the game. Cause he looks like he needs it after that. one thing though, I must say, Is maybe he's put himself into this particular position being on the board, pushing so hard for the signature style events is that he probably has a little bit of responsibility to be, as you say, fronting the media, he probably needs to be playing this event. So that's a knock. This is a situation which maybe overrides that, but last year we saw him skip A signature event after pushing hard for it. this is a second one he's, skipping. There is no penalty for skipping events now, but I think from probably one of your biggest leaders on tour and biggest sort of mouthpieces, it's potentially a little bit of poor form skipping it from that perspective.

Luke Manning:

the signature events have been held out to fans and sponsors as these, pinnacle events where you are going to get all the best players together playing in the event, and Rory is 100 percent one of those must haves from a fan and sponsor perspective, so you've got that have invested time and money, getting tickets and corporate suites and the like, putting out sponsorship dollars for the signature events, travellers would be expecting him to come, but for a legitimate injury. so it's, As you say, it's not isolated either. He's got form of doing it last year and I think it starts to undermine a little bit the importance of the signature events. if we were to say this, continue.

Jake Hower:

I thought Cantlay was pretty good. he was still in the hunt, well into the back nine. he's another one that sort of noted for his relatively poor performances in the majors, but, he was relatively impressive. And the other one that you notes noted is, Matthew Pavon, who was one of the only players that had beaten Scotty for most of the first half of the year. and he didn't have a great Sunday, but, his overall performance in the major in those tough conditions was also very good.

Luke Manning:

Cantlay, certainly his best performance in a major, and he just hung around, wasn't doing anything particularly special, but was still there, if Rory and Bryson slipped up, so, ending up there at T3, I'd say he'd be very happy with that result, particularly as there's not been a lot to Be all that up about in his recent form. Pavo has shown some decent form so far this year on the PGA tour, the lead up to it, it did surprise me that he was so heavily in contention, but, congrats to him on a great performance and finishing fifth in, a major or a US open at Pinehurst is a great achievement. And probably one to keep an eye on.

Jake Hower:

anyone else either positively or negatively

Luke Manning:

I think some of the people that, that missed the cut noteworthy. So some big names there in terms of Hovland, Homer, obviously missed the cut, and maybe we should talk a bit about Tiger, Zalatoris and JT. I think Tiger. In his post round press conference, it said, look, this may or may not be my last US Open, it was non committal, I would be surprised to hear Tiger actually admit this is my last, but think it is becoming clear now that he can't be competitive at this level. He is probably more a ceremonial golfer now for these style of events. He'll continue to get exemptions for as long as he wants them, I would imagine. but it's just beyond him, I think, physically now, to be in any sort of contention, and probably, beyond him really to make the cut on a consistent basis.

Jake Hower:

he hasn't made many of them since the, since the car crash. I think one thing he's always harped on about is, reps and he just doesn't look like his body can get enough reps. Give him the reps required to, be anywhere competitive in these particular events. Even when he come back, prior to the crash, that 2018, 2019 period, it took him two or three events before he was sharp enough to really start performing, each time he had the breaks. and it just doesn't like he can do that at all

Luke Manning:

it will be interesting to see. I think he said before that, he doesn't want to be that sort of ceremonial style golfer. whether that's an admission he's prepared to make to himself and not play in these events going forward remains to be seen. But there's certainly a big question mark, around that now.

Jake Hower:

the Aussies. So we had, uh, been, we finished in 21st. Scottie and Cam Smith were 32nd day Davis and Jason Scribner all missed the cut. what did you think of all the Aussies?

Luke Manning:

Look, Minwoo had a good final round and moved up the ladder. I think there wasn't too much to be excited about. Smithy, the wayward driver, just put him in too many difficult positions. And we were talking about this last week on the pod, concerned about his form leading in. So that wasn't a surprise to me. I was surprised that sort of Scotty played as well. As he did, because I just really didn't think this course, was a match for him. So to see him shoot the same score as Cam, was a little surprising to me. I think I picked Jason Day as Australia's best chance and he didn't make the cut. So no point listening to me on those sorts of predictions. and then Cam Davis, and not been in great form and it was always going to be tough for Jason Scrivner. despite getting through qualification. It's just a very different course to what he would see on the DP World Tour. And in our preview pod, we're talking about his form not being so great on the DP World Tour this year. So that, that didn't surprise me.

Jake Hower:

I think probably the main one I focused on was Cam Smith. He just doesn't look like his approach game or approach players up to where it's been in the last couple of years that seems to have fallen away. And he's really putting a lot of pressure on his short game and his putting, which has been even the putter has been a little bit scratchy. This year as well. So, but it's going to be interesting to see if he can turn that around in time, for true

Luke Manning:

it's only a few weeks away. he definitely would have his eye on that. will be interesting to see how he goes at Live Nashville, this coming week and whether that's a sort of turnaround in the form and what he's been working on.

Jake Hower:

now on leave, we had 13, playing before round pulled out, eight of 12 made the cut Sunday outside of Bryce and wasn't a fantastic day, with a few of the. the Liv guys backing up Hatton, and Pooch, probably the main two that really backed up. they were looking pretty solid through those first three rounds. Sergio did well to finish in T 12. any other sort of notables there caught your eye?

Luke Manning:

Sergio certainly was a surprise. as we know, he initially didn't qualify to get in, was on the alternates list and snuck his way into the field and was, was in the top 10 there for, I think, a little while as well. So, he was a surprise. I had to have to ask the question, what's it, what are your thoughts on Sergio's outfits?

Jake Hower:

The fireballs, they're bright, aren't they?

Luke Manning:

They're very bright. And then the, the matching, shirt and shoelaces, it's a little bit kindergarten ish for me, but, Sergio is certainly putting it out there in terms of, of his outfits. disappointed with Brooksy. thought he might give it more of a shake. And um, DJ's the other one that I was disappointed in. Just really, uh, his game is not where it needs to be. It's a long way from his best and I think that's a great shame to see.

Jake Hower:

I was relatively impressed with hat. through three rounds, I had picked him for the top, top lived guy, which wasn't too far off, really, or I think he was plus eight through that last round, which wasn't fantastic. Pooj's one has been really interesting because I can't get a read, I'm not exactly sure, looking at his stats, there's just not enough stats around him to see, where he's so good. He's elite off the tee, that's very clear. His putter looks reasonable and I'm just not sure about the rest of the game. so I'm looking forward to getting more data on him because he's clearly got something. but yeah, he just hasn't been consistent at that sort of top, top level of particular, the live events mainly, in the last 12 months. he had a couple of top tens last year and he's had the one this year. So, I hope he can continue his form line and start playing quite well there on the live side.

Luke Manning:

it might be an experience thing too. And the good thing is that he's really grinding out as many events as he can to gain that experience. And will have learned a lot, I think, from playing at Pinehurst and getting exposure to that type of golf in those types of conditions. So I'd expect his trajectory to continue to rise. Look, it's a

Jake Hower:

What did you think overall was a, was it a success or a failure for the lift?

Luke Manning:

lineball call for me. you've got one. You've got one in the top te obviously they won, they've, but outside of that, N Hatton and Sergio, did they really contend? It was marginal at best, and then everybody else was just, a footnote on the tournament. So, I, obviously a great success in terms of Bryson winning, but I feel like it's certainly a win for Bryson rather than a win for Liv. Whereas some previous majors, it definitely would have felt like a win for Liv. So some of that tension's starting to dissipate a little bit in these majors and the focus is back on the individual. but look, I'm probably giving it maybe a, a C or a C minus.

Jake Hower:

I'm maybe a little bit more positive than that. Just because I didn't really have great expectations coming into the event at all. not many are in great form there or on the PJ tour, but, they, so, so it was a pass, but maybe only just, I think. Yeah, you're right. Exactly. A C plus, what would be interesting, I think, is seeing some of the other guys who have not really been playing. Usti is probably one that stands out to me. he's someone that generally steps up for these bigger events. So, there is, there's still some talent on live that are not getting major stats, but that looks like it's. Changing as well, like the coverage of, the live guys, on the golf channel. we saw, Bryson mentioned in his crushes outfit on the PGA tour socials, which was, I don't know how far they had to go up the line to get that approved.

Luke Manning:

I think all the way up to Jay. Or maybe it's to Yasser. Now, who knows? There's rumors of an imminent deal. We might be on the eve of a deal. But right, certainly it would have required a lot of clearance to be able to show that on PGA TOUR socials. I'm also reading online that can't get a Crushers hat. ordered online for love nor money, so, it'll be doing the merch sales for Live a great wonder.

Jake Hower:

and apparently the tickets are for Nashville as well, a bit of a surge after Bryce, apparently there's a bit of a surge after Bryce and Juan, a lot of grand passes are sold out early, I think there's still some in Sunday, there's some hospitality as well, but, yeah, it'll be interesting to see what the crowd is like, they obviously live at the moment, but, it's growing and I think, to me, success for the live crowds and the broadcast, number is really just, growth, without having, a network TV deal. I think both are going to be hard to even compare anywhere near, the PGA tour. so it's just constant growth. it's going to take a lot of, a long time if live is to be successful. We're Five probably 10 years really before best

Luke Manning:

a lot will depend on, if there is a deal and how the two tours, are planned to co exist, et cetera, and whether the schedules will be complementary or conflicting. but so far as, the American audience and the American crowd is concerned, there's still a lot of work to do, but I agree with your comment. That success is around growth and sustained growth in those numbers. trying to compare the crowd, I think I saw something online where someone was comparing the crowd at Memorial to, the crowd at, Live Houston. it's just a silly comparison. Comparison to make because, memorials got decades worth of history, and live Houston doesn't, and America is still largely a hostile market, for live. So for them to be growth in crowd numbers, is the right measure of success. And, it seems that they're doing that. Yeah. Okay. It'd be a good test to see how Nashville goes and, to see if there's, there's building support.

Jake Hower:

Aussie of the weekend was Grace Kim over on the LPGA that the Maya classic so she had a five shot lead going into Sunday and ended up in a three way playoff with Lexi Thompson And Lillia Vu both of who we spoke about last week

Luke Manning:

an amazing effort from Grace. she's still very young. I have seen her a couple of times, here in Australia. She's played out at, at Royal Queensland before, at the PGA when they had the men and the women together and I followed her for quite a few holes. So she's got, a wonderful swing, very composed, very tempered, and it was great to see her. really get her first look at what it's, what it's like to be in the lead, five shot lead. unfortunately she wasn't able to get it done losing in a three way playoff, but the thing that stood out to me was the way that she carried herself. After the loss and the perspective that she was able to show in terms of her post round interview, which, if people haven't seen it, they should really go and check it out because, I think she was very, impressive in quite emotional circumstances.

Jake Hower:

Agreed. Mike Clayton has obviously got big raps on grace. I think he's been on the bag a few times with, through her amateur career and even through her professional career when she comes out here as well. I believe she was a member of Metro, which is Mike is as well. he's a pretty good, judge of, of golfer, Mike Clayton.

Luke Manning:

he's caddied for Elvis Smiley as well. So he's seen a lot of good up and coming golfers. And, I think there are good things in store for Grace on the, LPGA tour. So excited to, to see her develop and grow.

Jake Hower:

was great to see Lexi, contending, after announcing her sort of retirement at the end of the year and, Lilia Vu, I think, it's going to be interesting watching her for the remainder of the major season because she could really do some damage.

Luke Manning:

coming off that couple of months hiatus from a lingering back injury. So she'll be looking to take this win and carry it through for the rest of the season. And, it is good to see Lexi, having, Some good form here. You'd love to see her finish on a high in terms of her career and this being potentially her last season. hopefully Lexi's able to keep that form going as well.

Jake Hower:

Now let's jump across to next week. I think that wraps up most of last week, really.

Luke Manning:

those are the two major events.

Jake Hower:

coming off the back of, or in a third week run on both the PGA tour and live, so we've got the signature event, the travelers championship and, live Nashville, which is interesting that they're competing against each other. Going up against each other before and after a major, I believe, the travelers has a field of 71 after, after McElroy pulled out. So he hasn't been replaced in the fields, of notes are probably again, the, sponsors invitations. So we've got web and Adam Scott both getting. Another sponsor invitation, which is crazy. I must say a good one. I'm looking forward to seeing again is, Michael Thorburnson, half after winning PJ to a, you has, received a invitation into the event.

Luke Manning:

good to see, that sort of graduation. Shall we say, for him, right about the sponsors invites to Webb and to Scotty. I guess they're not going to knock them back because it's free money, but it's just not a good look. And, you would think that's something that needs to be ironed out in the future.

Jake Hower:

That's crazy. Hey, speaking of, Michael Thorburnson, so he's, he. It was pretty close between the two of them, for the top position of, PJ to a you, let's, look at those guys is we had got Phil Burnson in a signature events and lampreshay we playing his second, his second corn ferry tour event after giving up his spot in the U S open that's, considering how close they were, they've now on complete, Different tracks for the next, yeah, for the next six, 12 months,

Luke Manning:

and no announcement, about Christo going to live. So it still remains unknown why he turned pro and gave up his spot at the US Open.

Jake Hower:

I think it must've been, so he could play that event, that, that event up against the U S open. it gives him one extra week to try and, earn his status because there's only like, there's only six or seven events left on the corn for a tour before finals. and so I think getting that extra run at it to try and get enough points to qualify now, because otherwise he's going to have to qualify either through, sponsors exemptions on the PGA tour, which is the same thing outside of the signature events. There's only sort of four or five. Actual events. You could, he could get a sponsor's exemption in this year. so maybe he was trying to qualify this year rather than having to wait until next year to try and qualify in either the PGA tour sponsors exemptions or the corn ferry tour, but it was crazy that he has to make that decision.

Luke Manning:

it's a US open at Pinehurst,

Jake Hower:

I know.

Luke Manning:

where, I'm not in, I'm not in his shoes making the decision, but, just wonder whether it might be one he regrets down the track.

Jake Hower:

Liv is at, Nashville, Bryson I saw is, him and the crushes are, speaking on Wednesday. So he's, obviously capitalizing on his success and he'll continue to, put himself out in front of the media, which is good.

Luke Manning:

he must be going straight from Trump, Westchester, to Nashville. the Trump's hosting him there on one of their properties right now.

Jake Hower:

he looks like he's not just drinking the chocolate milk anymore.

Luke Manning:

I think Eric Trump was giving him a huge magnum of wine to pour into the cup, so. fun times for Bryson.

Jake Hower:

probably really of these two events, I'll be watching them. I won't be 100 percent locked in on either of them. but it was very interesting that both tours decided to, hold their signature events three in a row. after a major, you'd think you'd want to, maybe just step away and give everyone a chance to breathe, give the event a chance to breathe. it's going to be interesting to see if this is a one off or if, They both do it again next year, but I don't know if it's a great decision again, from Liv's perspective, putting, an event up against the best on the PGA tour.

Luke Manning:

The whole thing just feels very jammed on both sides, doesn't it? it feels like we need a breather, off the back of Pinehurst. but here we are again with a, with another signature event and, live running up against it. So I think similar to you, won't be locked into it the way that I may have otherwise been. but I guess you just never know, something might happen and we might be glued to the TVs again.

Jake Hower:

the DP World Tour has the KLM open. Liv is 25 million purse, the PGA tour is a 20 million purse, the KLM open is a 2. 5 million purse.

Luke Manning:

just a slight difference on

Jake Hower:


Luke Manning:

and also I guess a slight difference in the talent levels too, with, the Field and the KL Open sort of boasting Matt Wallace, Luke Liss, Danny Willett. I did see Laurie Cantor's getting a start there as well. So not required at Live Nashville. and, and Rasmus Hoygaard.

Jake Hower:

And then across on the lady side, they have got the KPMG, the PGA. So we've got a major there. That's at, Saharli country club, the 10 million purse. there's quite a few Aussies in the field, isn't there?

Luke Manning:

seven Aussies in the field, so another strong contingent, to fight out another one of the ladies majors. Um, the usual suspects in terms of Hannah Green and Minji Lee, leading the charge. But then we've got Grace Kim, Sarah Kemp, Steph Kiriakou, here in Evide and also Gabby Ruffles. a pretty solid showing there for the Aussies with a couple of good chances and Minji will certainly be hoping to go, a little better, this time round.

Jake Hower:

We'll be looking forward to, I would love to see one of the Aussies. where I think we're due again for Minji, another Minji major.

Luke Manning:

and also do some more Charlie Hull,

Jake Hower:

Oh, yeah. Yes. Yes. We're missing that. I'll tell you what, that's, that's a pretty good twosome as well, isn't it? Bryson into Charlie Hull. That's, that would make it some good content on YouTube,

Luke Manning:

Yeah, so, maybe, given that Bryson's already done the, um, page,

Jake Hower:


Luke Manning:

video, might, do one with Charlie Hull.

Jake Hower:

Now, have you heard anything else, on the deal between the PIF Tour?

Luke Manning:

Look, than just skimming through socials and seeing a couple of posts about it being imminent or we're on the eve of a, of an announcement. no. so still very sceptical about there being an announcement. and if there is an announcement, whether it's anything of substance, it just seems that there's been so many different, vested interests and different motivations and objectives from the various stakeholders, that pulling a deal together virtually seemed impossible. But, some people, with some reasonable sources have been making these noises. so it could be an interesting couple of days ahead if there's some substance to what they're saying.

Jake Hower:

Shipnuck was probably the one really kicked off that discussion, just saying that they were potentially holding off until Tuesday just to give the, the U. S. Open a little bit of breathing room. he is now with Golfworks. Did you see that, a few announcements on, was it the Fire Pit Collective deciding to wind down close, close up shop?

Luke Manning:

my golf spy, he's gone too. I think he's his first ride up for them. So, Fire Pit Collective, no more. yeah. Nux, just wanting to, have a pen in hand or a typewriter at the end of, keyboard at the end of his fingers and bashing out the written words, so, I did see actually quite a good interview with Alan just talking about Bryson, and his evolution as a person and, it's, he spoke quite insightfully, I think, about that sort of journey that, That Bryson's been on, so certainly putting out some good stuff.

Jake Hower:

I think so too. he seems to be, incites some anger, but I don't really understand why. He seems to put out relatively good, well researched content, but don't think that's the case.

Luke Manning:

Phil might not agree with you on that.

Jake Hower:

JT's another one, has he? He's gone, he keeps going at, going at Shipnuk, I think.

Luke Manning:

yeah, that's right.

Jake Hower:

Live Adelaide. There's a, there's talk of a move, movement from, April into February. I

Luke Manning:

which would probably mean that Adelaide will be the season opener. And that has been one of the things that I've been saying is, why not open with your best, event, rather than having it four events or five events in. So, that kind of makes, strategic sense for me. the flip side to that is, well, if you're open with your best, where have you got to go from there? It's only down. And we've talked before about this is the real challenge for Lib is to be able to replicate Adelaide in a number of the other markets around the world. So, that's my thinking in and around the move to fib. I think Peter Malinowskis, the Premier of South Australia, had been making similar noises, so probably means that it is going to shift, and it'll be there in, in February.

Jake Hower:

wonder if that has any impact on, potentially what the Australian Open does.

Luke Manning:

Who would know? We still don't have a venue for the Australian Open this year. so, it'd be interesting to see where that all goes. But, we'll have to stay tuned.

Jake Hower:

it'd be interesting even this year to see if maybe they postpone it or not hold it at all. I think there was talk of potentially not being held at all.

Luke Manning:

Which would be just a massive, blow and a real, I think a real loss to the Australian golfing calendar.

Jake Hower:

It's been like we, we lost the, the masters a few years back. we had those three that sort of, Those three events that's, we're big on the calendar, so I've already lost one of those. And, it's,

Luke Manning:

growing up and loving golf as a kid, like the masters was one that, that the Australian masters was one that really, got behind the gold jacket and remember Norman winning it a number of times and it, being there at Huntingdale. so it is a great shame for us to have lost that off the calendar to think that we might lose the Australian open would just be devastating.

Jake Hower:

that was the first, the first pro golf tournament I attended in 2015. Bryson was out as a, as an amateur. He finished second in that event. I saw him, I think it was maybe on the eighth. he hit a big drive up, up the left side of the fairway, stuck under the gum trees and hold out pretty much jarred it. that was incredible. had a big crowd following him that day and, he's always been exciting, engaging golfer. Yep. Hey, and then finally, I think the, since last week, we touched on it a little bit at the top, with Rory's divorce being off, which is, a positive outcome, but, it's quite Strange that you go and file for divorce and then less than a month later, unfile for divorce.

Luke Manning:

who knows what conversations are going on behind closed doors, but it does seem strange as an outsider looking in, if that's the, the best thing for him and his wife and his child, then certainly we would wish him all the best with that. But, I did note through socials that Amanda Ballionis, posted some, A series of photos of her and the girls, enjoying themselves in the Hamptons over the weekend. So, obviously CBS didn't have the coverage, of the U. S. Open, it was with NBC, so she was off partying and certainly having the time of her life. So, if was any truth to the rumours That, that there was, something going on between the two, and that Rory's maybe decided to go back to his wife instead of Amanda. Well, it was certainly, a big, hey, I'm doing okay, post.

Jake Hower:

that's a good episode, Lukey. I don't think that's anything else.

Luke Manning:

No, it's been a huge weekend. we're recording late here on Tuesday night, so, I think we'll call it and, we look forward to being back, for next week.

Jake Hower:

one thing you should do is go and check out Luke's newsletter, The Shank Show. we utilize Luke's weekly episode really as a, as our rundown. To be honest. it's a good recap of the events, with some, funny posts that you may or may not have seen across the socials as well. So check that out we'll speak to you next week.

Luke Manning:

Thanks everyone for listening

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